A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years

A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years


A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years

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A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years

A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years


A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years

Published By:   •   August 6, 2019

A Look at Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Extraordinary 75 Years

Published By:

August 6, 2019


To toast the beloved Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s 75th anniversary, we take a by-the-numbers look at the lauded group’s noteworthy history.


Number of Grammy Awards ASO has won—eight of which were won by the all-volunteer ASO chorus

Number of world premiere pieces ASO has commissioned for the 2019-20 season composed by Richard Prior and Brian Nabors

Beethoven’s age as of next year: The ASO will honor the renowned composer by performing his “Missa Solemnis” in a takeover of the famed Carnegie Hall.

Number of seats at one of the ASO’s favorite venues: Ameris Bank Amphitheatre (formerly Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre)

Starting price of a four-concert package subscription

Combined number of audience members per year attending Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s performances—including educational and community concerts

Number of this season’s featured ASO soloists: concertmaster David Coucheron, principal oboe Elizabeth Tiscione and principal trumpet Stuart Stephenson

Estimated total of annual performances

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