Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa

Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa


Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa

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Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa

Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa


Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa

Published By:   •   March 27, 2020

Atlanta's Dr. Mboh Elango Aids Rudimentary Health Care Systems With MDHouseCall Africa

Published By:

March 27, 2020



Born and raised in Africa, Dr. Mboh Elango, executive director of concierge medicine company MDHouseCall, was ready to extend his efforts large-scale and back to his home country, creating MDHouseCall Africa in 2019. The consulting leg of the board-certified emergency room physician’s concierge medicine practice, MDHouseCall, this new venture seeks to aid rudimentary health care systems in cities across Africa. “We’re ready for the next level of medicine,” says Dr. Elango, “It’s transitioning from one-on-one care to implementing policies and decisions that affect entire populations.” From hospital design assistance to telemedicine systems, 24/7 training, medevac services, implementing innovative solutions and more, MDHouseCall Africa helps these developing health care systems as they strive to bridge the 30-year gap of Western medicine. While this next leg in his career is quite the jump from one-on-one care, Dr. Elango is more than ready for the task at hand. “If you’re going to go for it, you might as well go big or go home.” And that he is. With a goal of having a full-scale pilot—including full telemedicine, consulting and design services—implemented in an African city (likely Douala where he grew up) by the end of 2020, it’s clear Dr. Elango and his team are full steam ahead. Also in the works: Developing an app enabling doctors and patients on different continents to easily converse with specialists about medical issues. “Almost like a medical WhatsApp,” adds Elango.

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