12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

Lifestyle, National,

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

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Lifestyle, National,

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

Lifestyle, National,

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

Published By:   •   June 3, 2020

12 Ways You Can Support And Stand In Solidarity With The Fight Against Racial Injustice

Published By:

June 3, 2020

Lifestyle, National,


In light of the current protests in the U.S. and around the world, we can all do our part to stand up to racial injustice. If you’re looking for further ways to show your support, consider donating to any of the nonprofits and organizations listed below.

  • Black Visions Collective is a campaign started in Minnesota that works to initiate long-term social, economic and political change for people of color in the U.S.
  • The Brennan Center for Justice strives to advance reforms that uphold values of democracy and social justice. This nonpartisan law and policy institute fights for voting rights, ending mass incarceration and fair representation of all citizens.
  • Campaign Zero works to end police violence through a 10-step policy solution initiative grounded in research and data collection on the racial injustices present in the police system.
  • As the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, Color of Change centers around initiating virtual campaigns that challenge corporate and political systems in the hopes of fostering solutions of racial justice.
  • Community Justice Exchange is an abolitionist organization rooted in using community justice tactics to put a stop to all forms of criminalization, incarceration and detention.
  • Communities United Against Police Brutality is an all-volunteer Twin Cities-based organization founded in 2000 that works to end police brutality by using political and legislative action and education to support victims and empower local communities.
  • Founded in 1989, the Equal Justice Initiative advocates for criminal justice reform by ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the U.S.
  • Fair Fight is an organization founded by Stacey Abrams that works to resist the disenfranchisement of people of color by ensuring free and fair elections through voter protection teams.
  • Know Your Rights Camp holds educational and self-empowerment seminars nationwide for black and brown youth. This organization has teamed up with defense lawyers to provide legal resources in Minneapolis.
  • The NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund is a leading nonprofit organization in the fight for racial equality and civil rights within our nation’s political and justice systems.
  • Starting in Minneapolis, Reclaim the Block allies with city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget as a means of strengthening community safety initiatives.
  • Showing Up For Racial Justice is a network of groups that utilize community-led movements and education to undermine white supremacy by committing to collective action and reform.

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